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exercise for knee pain injury

Strengthen Your Knees: The Best Rehab Exercises for Knee Pain Relief



Knee pain can be a challenging obstacle, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. No matter what the cause of the knee pain, finding relief is the key – so you can stay active and well. Customized therapeutic exercises are vital to ease knee pain and rebuild strength and flexibility.  In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best rehab exercises for knee pain relief, offering a comprehensive guide to help you revitalize your knees and get back on track.

Warning: In case of severe, chronic or persistent knee pain, please seek appointment of a trained Physiotherapist. Doing the stated exercises without expert guidance may lead to further deterioration.


Assisted Chair Squat:

Stand in front of a chair with feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly squat down, reaching your arms out toward the chair arms as you descend. Continue squatting down until you feel the seat of the chair touch your buttocks. Hold briefly then slowly raise yourself back up to a full standing position. This is one rep. Complete 3 sets of 15 reps, resting between sets as needed. Perform this squat routine 3 days per week. The goal is to improve lower body and leg strength while also working on balance. Reaching for the chair on the way down challenges stability.

SWAhealth Physiotherapy Rehab Clinic

Chair Squat:

Strengthening your quad muscles is very important for knee stability and movement.  Chair Squat are simple yet effective exercises that can be done anywhere. Stand in front of a chair, place a chair and squat down gradually, continue until your buttocks are in contact with the chair, Slowly raise back up to a standing position Gradually increase the duration and repetitions as your strength improves.

SWAhealth Physiotherapy Rehab Clinic

Straight Leg Raises:

This exercise targets the quadriceps and helps improve knee extension. Lie on your back, keep one leg straight and lift it a few inches off the ground. Hold for a moment and then lower it back down. Perform this exercise in sets, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.

SWAhealth Physiotherapy Rehab Clinic

Wall Slides:

Wall squats engage multiple muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. Stand with your back against a wall, feet shoulder-width apart and slide down into a sitting position, keeping your knees aligned with your ankles. Hold for a few seconds and then return to the starting position. Start with shallow squats and gradually increase the depth as your strength improves.

SWAhealth Physiotherapy Rehab Clinic


Step-ups are excellent for improving strength and stability. Use a sturdy platform or step. Step up with one foot, bringing the opposite knee toward your chest and then step back down. Alternate legs and repeat. Ensure proper form and start with a lower step height, gradually progressing as your knees become more resilient.

SWAhealth Physiotherapy Rehab Clinic

Back Bridge:

Lie on side, one knee bent 90 degrees. Slowly push bent leg heel to ground behind you until feel stretch in front thigh. Hold stretched position 3 seconds. Return to start for one rep. Do 15 reps then switch legs. Complete 3 sets each leg. Perform routine 3 days weekly. Goal is improve quad strength by stretching muscle.

SWAhealth Physiotherapy Rehab Clinic


Incorporating these rehab exercises into your routine can significantly contribute to knee pain relief and overall joint health. Remember to start slowly, listen to your body and gradually progress as your strength and flexibility improve.

If you’re experiencing persistent or severe knee pain, it’s crucial to consult a trained and experienced Physiotherapist for a personalized assessment and guidance.

Experienced and skilled Physiotherapists at Swahealth, the best Physiotherapy Clinic in Kolkata, are just a call away to guide you on your journey towards improving the health and strength of your knees. They will assess the root cause and prescribe customized rehabilitation plan for the smoothest and fastest relief from knee pain.

Sticking to a regular rehab plan can help you take charge of your knee health again, making it easier to move freely and without pain.

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