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5 Simple exercises to reduce Knee Pain


If you’ve ever suffered from a nagging knee joint pain, you already know how it limits your movement and lifestyle. The knee pain can be a slow, continuous one or a sharp, piercing pain. Whatever may be the knee pain reasons, the pain keeps on growing till your life gets affected. Starting from difficulty in doing normal activities like simply walking to hindering your ability to enjoy life socially, knee pain causes enough trouble to give it our serious attention. Today we will learn 5 Simple knee pain exercises to reduce pain and enjoy life freely.

SWAhealth physios, led by Trambak Chakraborty, have devised a few simple exercises for knee pain. This works at strengthening your knee joint and the surrounding areas. You may try out these simple home remedies for knee pain but please remember that if you have been suffering from severe knee pain for more than one week or a nagging pain for more than two weeks, your condition needs proper assessment. In that case, we urge you to seek proper knee pain treatment. Physiotherapy is a proven method of providing fastest knee pain remedy without side effects.

In order to strengthen your knee, it is actually a good idea to start with some associated muscle strengthening. Why associated muscles?- you may ask. There is a strong reason for that – it is the kinetic chain. Anatomically, a kinetic chain is formed by the inter-related groups of body segments that connect to each other. This includes joints and muscles working together to perform movements. This kinetic chain is the reason you find the pain spreads. It is also the reason why strengthening associated parts in the kinetic chain, helps.

Now let’s get straight down to the exercises

A word of Caution: In case you have any associated problem, other than Knee pain, we advise you to seek a proper consultation from our expert Physio before trying these exercises at home. If you feel that pain increases during exercising, stop doing it that very moment. Call us for an assessment of your condition.

Quad Sets


SWAhealth Physiotherapy Rehab ClinicExercise 1:

Tighten the front thigh muscles by pushing the back of your knee down onto bed. It may help to put a rolled-up bath towel under your knee to do this. Hold your knee down for a count of 5 to 10 and then relax. Keep the ankle firmly on the bed with the toes pointing upwards. Do this knee press 10 times for each leg. Repeat this set for two to three times.



SWAhealth Physiotherapy Rehab ClinicExercise 2 :

Lie on your back with a towel roll under the affected knee. Tighten your buttock muscles and hold for 5-10 seconds. 10 times one set, repeat this set for two to three times.




SWAhealth Physiotherapy Rehab ClinicExercise 3 :

Lying on your back with your affected leg in a slightly bent position, dig your heel into the bed. Tighten the muscles in the back of your thigh and buttock region at the same time. Hold for 5-10 seconds. You can also do this exercise in a sitting position by digging your heel into the floor. 10 times one set, repeat this set for two to three times. If u have heel pain then avoid his exercise.



SWAhealth Physiotherapy Rehab ClinicExercise 4:

Hold a ball in between your thighs, near the knees, while lying down and press the ball. Both the feet must lie flat on the bed. Hold for 5-10 seconds. 10 times one set, repeat this set for two to three times.




SWAhealth Physiotherapy Rehab ClinicExercise 5:

Lie on your stomach, flat on the bed. Raise one leg at a time, with the other leg firmly on the bed. Remember that your knee must be kept straight while you raise each leg. Hold for 5-10 seconds. 10 times one set, repeat this set for two to three times.




We hope that these exercises will help you in relieving your knee joint pain. Or do these exercises to strengthen the knee joint area, even if you are not suffering from any pain.

However, please keep in mind that these exercises alone, may not be enough for complete knee pain remedy. Any unattended pain causes continuing damage to the body and flare up to become a cause of major hindrance later.

Do not compromise when help is just a call away.

A team of highly skilled, experienced Physiotherapy Rehab experts, supported by state-of-the-art German equipment’s are ready at SWAhealth Physio Rehab Clinic, to help you with a thorough assessment of your condition and prescribe an individualized treatment plan for complete pain relief.

This will go a long way to provide you with lasting knee pain relief so that you can focus on your life, with confidence and comfort.

Feel free to call us @ 9163195759 or visit our website

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